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Semester Titel Fachgebiet Lehrveranstaltung Beschreibung «zurück zu allen Skripten
WS2021Mathematical Foundations of Signal Processing (ETH course) Fourier Analysis Mathematical Methods of Signal Processing A purely functional analytic approach to Fourier AnalysisEngineers need to understand translation invariant linear systems (which appear naturally, due to the time invariance of physical laws, or the fact that image processing methods should work with relative coordinates, i.e. filtering operators to undo partially a blurring effect...).

The tools needed are an exact description of such systems via impulse response,
transfer function, involving a good understanding of convolution and the Fourier transform.

The current notes are an extension of the earlier manuscript, adapted and expanded to the needs of engineers. The course is currently (Oct. to Dec. 2020) taught at ETH Zuerich.

This course has been recorded and is downloadable from YouTube.
»download MathMethSign20.pdf